Sabtu, 29 Mei 2021

Download Labor's Flaming Youth: Telephone Operators and Worker Militancy, 1878-1923 (Women in American History) PDF by Norwood, Stephen H. (Hardcover)

Labor's Flaming Youth: Telephone Operators and Worker Militancy, 1878-1923 (Women in American History)
TitleLabor's Flaming Youth: Telephone Operators and Worker Militancy, 1878-1923 (Women in American History)
Number of Pages242 Pages
Run Time54 min 04 seconds
File Namelabors-flaming-youth_QCJFO.pdf
File Size1,207 KiloByte
GradeFLAC 192 kHz
Launched4 years 6 months 13 days ago

Labor's Flaming Youth: Telephone Operators and Worker Militancy, 1878-1923 (Women in American History)

Category: Reference, Christian Books & Bibles
Author: Dan Brown, Lauren Davidson
Publisher: Lauren Devine, Linda Johnson Larsen
Published: 2016-12-10
Writer: Daniel Silva
Language: Spanish, Romanian, Finnish
Format: Kindle Edition, pdf
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Labor's flaming youth : telephone operators and worker - Telephone operators -- United States -- History, Trade-unions -- Telephone company employees -- United States -- History, Women labor union members -- United States -- History.
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LABORS FLAMING YOUTH (July 1, 1991 edition) | Open Library - 2 editions of LABORS FLAMING YOUTH found in the catalog. Labors flaming youth. Telephone Operators and Worker Militancy, 1878-1923 (Working Class in American History).
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Vol. 515, May, 1991 of The Annals of the American Academy - Labor's Flaming Youth: Telephone Operators and Worker Militancy, 1878-1923 by Stephen Norwood (pp. 209-210).
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Norwood, Stephen Harlan - Labor's flaming youth : - Labor's flaming youth : Telephone operators a. worker militancy, 1878-1923 / Stephen H. Norwood. - Urbana; Chicago : Univ. of Illinois press, Cop. 1990. - XII, 340 с. : ил., портр.
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Julia O'Connor - Wikipedia - Julia Sarsfield O'Connor (1890-1972) was an American labor leader and head of the National Telephone Operators' Department of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). She spent her entire forty-five-year career in the labor movement.
Stephen H. Norwood, Labor's Flaming Youth: Telephone - International Labor and Working-Class History. COPYRIGHT: © International Labor and Working-Class History, Inc. 1992. Recommend this journal.
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